What a year it has been for us all to navigate, here and around the world, between the routine, expected and unexpected circumstances of life.
As we move towards 2021 I feel a sense of gladness, and gratitude, to acknowledge that Faith, Hope and Love have prevailed throughtout this year.
Our Parish Council was newly formed when the Pandemic surfaced. We had set a plan in January to focus energy on four themes this year - Christianity, Inclusion, Connection and Community.
In February we were blessed to be able to hold a morning tea in the Parish Hall, to thank our Volunteers. 70 wonderful individuals attended this event, just one week before lockdown. I was astonished by the number of individual and group activities that happen within our community reach, and those that keep our church running like clock-work. To each and every volunteer and group - your time, prayers, talents and efforts are much appreciated. You touch so many people. You are "God's voice, hands, ears, eyes, feet, music and hearts" in action on earth.
As the Pandemic grew, and churches closed, "Connection" became a fast priority. This was not an easy time, and we moved on with what we could at the time, with resources we had. Within two weeks - the Bulletin distribution switched to email and via postal service; our Parish Facebook page was re-launched just in time for Easter. Parish Council meetings moved to "virtual meetings" via Zoom, or conference calls, and we comunicated via a Whats App chat group.
Online Mass and Spiritual Communion became part of our lives. I remember on that first Sunday when I logged onto YouTube to connect to the 11am Mass, ministered by Archbishop Costelloe at St Mary's Cathedral, tears suddenly welled up in my eyes. Whilst here was comfort participating in Mass online, it was not the same as being physically present inside our lovely Church. I could not comprehend not being able to partake fully in the gift of Holy Communion. As time went on, I became adventurous and found different Masses around the globe to join online - none delivered a Homily like Father Francis though!
As weeks went by too, I wondered 'how Father Francis and other Priests were feeling as they too were distanced from their flock?'. When Francis recorded his first video message for our Facebook page, it was so well received - our most viewed posting to date.
The Parish Council received regular updates from Mary Kate about Fatima Care activity. Fatima Care continued strong throughout. A big thankyou to the Fatima Care team!
With WA Govt managing the Pandemic, in a "phased approach", Churches were soon able to re-open...which was great news - however, there were restrictions on numbers of attendees...first 20 people, and then 100.
I wish to acknowledge Father Francis who ministered "back to back" 45 minute Sunday morning Masses for a number of weeks. Thankfully, permitted attendance numbers were later increased, and the four weekend Masses returned. Following the two square metre rule and observing social distancing became our "norm". Thankyou to Sharon Grubb who took phone registrations until restrictions were lifted further. Thankyou to all who have taken time after Mass to "disinfected and clean" our pews these past six months.
My late Dad used to often say "something good can come out of something bad". If it wasn't for the Pandemic, I don't think I would have had the pleasure of meeting so many Parishioners. This came about through taking attendance records, and in recent times, selling raffle tickets and helping parishioners manuvre phone cameras over the QR codes. It has been heart-warming to meet you.
Another thing that has brought a smile to me in recent weeks, is the sound of people chatting on the front porch after Mass. This sound embodies Community and Connection.
The interaction through greetings in the foyer and registration activities, has been noted by all Parish Councillors as something we have all been touched by. It has been lovely to share a chat, story, nod or smile with you.
I would like to thank each member of the Parish Council, firstly, to those from the years past, who laid the strong foundations for us to continue with, and the carriage to build upon. To fellow present Parish Councillors - Father Francis, Lorraine, Mary-Kate, Pauline, Teresa, Sharon, Nola, Carl, Bernard and Stefano - thankyou for your ideas, debate, time, commitment, care and humour, and demonstration of Faith in Thought, Prayer and Action.
Dear Parishioners, we aim to share more with you in person, at regular intervals, in 2021.
As we move into a New Year - to Francis and Parishioners who lost loved ones this year, my thoughts are with you. To those who have been distanced from loved ones, I hope you re-connect in person sometime in the near future, and maintain contact, albeit virtually, in the interim.
In closing, a dear school friend of mine, Lisa Platt, who is also a fellow Parishioner, relayed this quote to me during a conversation many years ago...
...it is a thought I want to share with you now, to keep with you wherever you are, whatever you do in 2021...remember this:
From the Letter of Saint Paul to the Colossians "You are God's chosen race, his saints; he loves you".